
編劇 | 鄒奕笙、王偉芃、許世輝、梁秀紅

導演 | 高炳權 第55屆金鐘獎 戲劇節目 最佳導演獎(《用九柑仔店》)

音樂導演 | 黃婷 樂壇天王天后御用製作統籌

製作人 | 黃郁茹、徐國倫、黃婷

千禧年前後,類比轉數位的年代,流行樂壇新秀頻出。王牌專輯製作人吳培祖(楊祐寧 飾)表面波瀾不驚,但內心惶恐焦慮,深怕被時代淘汰。

大學剛畢業的廖苗君(9m88 飾),對未來一片茫然。除了偶像陳雨傑的歌,對音樂一竅不通,卻因緣際會成為吳培祖的製作助理。吳培祖的指令刁鑽又苛刻,苗君不是得為一個迷信風水的大牌歌手大動土木;就是得陪著歌手一遍又一遍來回磨著情緒,直到吳培祖點頭才能錄音。苗君疲於奔命,但總是使命必達。


Around the year 2000, when music was going from analog to digital, pop music welcomed many new faces and budding artists. Ace producer Wu Pei-zu (played by Yo Yang) may look calm and detached, but he is actually anxious deep down and fears that he’ll be eliminated by the times.

On the other hand, Liao Miao-jun (played by 9m88), who just graduated from university, is confused about her future. Apart from the songs of her idol Chen Yu-jie, Miao-jun knows nothing about music, but in the end, she becomes Wu’s production assistant after a series of incidents. Wu is a hard-to-please boss with many peculiar demands. To finish the recordings, Miao-jun has to run errands for a famous singer who is very superstitious about feng shui, or keep the singer company until the emotions are just ripe for her boss to step into the studio. Every task makes Miao-jun literally exhausted, but she can always accomplish the missions.

Of course, the two have clashes and fights, but they also learn a lot from each other. Together, the two also face the biggest challenge in Pei-zu’s  career…